Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years- Donald Miller

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Donald Miller
Have you ever reached that point in life where the place you just left is to far to return to and the place you are going is so far away you cannot even make it out. Donald Miller describes this as being in the middle of your story and he says this is the hardest part and should be because overcoming this part is what makes the overall story worth watching/reading. This idea of having a story worth watching or reading is the main theme of this book. Donald Miller has the opportunity to turn a memoir into a screenplay and while rewriting the memoir for screen he realizes that he needs a better story...therefore he sets out to make his story better.
Indirectly and with much subtlety Miller mentions that God sets up our story and we must live it. It will be scary and there will be times we will not understand where our story is going but if we push through this scary part we will see in the end that there is a great story there for us but we have to find it.
The book was very easy to read and had me laughing and then crying and then both at once. I would recommend this book and have already passed a copy on to others. 4 out of 5 starts from me.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Max Lucado

Is it possible to live a life less fear? According to Max Lucado it is if you trust in the Lord and place your fears in Him. Lucado shows that Jesus and his father can lead you to a fearless life through numerous examples from the Bible and stories from his experiences as a minister. In the times of recession and war and uncertainty it is so refreshing to have a book like this to remind us that we are not alone that we have Higher Power if we just trust in it. This is one of the best books I have read in long time. There are other books that speak on how to overcome the times but none that have showed us really how to do this. No other book uses the Bible in the manner that Max Lucado did. The book was such a quick read and left me as a reader with a great feeling and the need for more!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Rick and Bubba: Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage

Rick and Bubba's Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage
by Rick Burgess and Bill "Bubba" Bussey

I read and thoroughly enjoyed Rick and Bubba's Guide to the Almost Nearly Perfect Marriage. The book was a humorous look into marriage and the little quirks that come along with it. Rick Burgess and Bill “Bubba” Bussey explain the arguments and seemingly hard times that come up in a marriage in a funny yet realistic way by turning situations into jokes or by using examples in their own life.
I do have to say that after listening to Rick and Bubba on the radio that the book did not come across as funny as they radio show. However, the book is funny. I often times found myself re-reading parts to my friends and husband. The book is set up in several short chapters with lists and charts throughout to summarize the chapters. I liked this set up and found it made for a very quick read. I believe that the message that God and Christianity are a vital part of marriage was conveyed and easily understood. I would very much recommend this to friend or family member. I am looking forward to reading other books by Rick and Bubba.